Saturday, June 8, 2013

Time to paint!

And once again I find myself super behind on my updates! What happened was that for a little while nothing was going on in our construction site so there was nothing for me to write about. Nothing was done in the apartment on Monday May 27th due to Memorial day weekend. Then on Tuesday we had to have an engineer come in and give his opinion about what to do with the ceilings.And obviously he came right at the end of the day. So on Wednesday we got the OK from the inspector to go ahead and scrape the ceilings, but the sheetrock guys never showed up in the afternoon, so... another day wasted.   
Thursday and Friday things finally picked back up and a lot got accomplished. The rest of the  walls got put up  and almost ready for paint and a lot of the popcorn was scraped off the ceilings. 

So on Friday evening and all day Saturday and all day Sunday Jerry and I  did some more mudding and sanding on the walls, and painted away. That was the only part of the project that we could do ourselves and save us some money.  I wouldn’t say we had a blast doing it, but at least we will be able to look back and say we gave a small contribution to this whole renovation thing. 

Living room wall

Living room wall

Accent wall in the guest bedroom

Master Bedroom wall (hard to see it, but it's kind of a light mossy green)

Finished living room walls

Finished guest bedroom walls

Unfortunately we were so tired of painting all weekend that we didn't take too many pictures of all our finished painted walls. 

This past  week a lot got accomplished too, but that will be coming up on the next post, which I'll write soon, I promise!

P.S.: Special thanks to our friend Brad Ervin who came over Saturday morning and helped Jerry prime the walls. We forgot to capture that moment for posterity :-/

P.S.2: Also thank you to our beautiful niece Johanna, who helped with the Master bedroom. 

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